Sunday, April 24, 2011

Empyrean 2D

This is the school project I am working on. And my role is programmer. Here is a brief description of this project.
Empyrean 2D is a client based project working with EA2D, a division of Electronic Arts. EA2D’s goal is to create connected and social games for gamers. This means creating games for non-traditional platforms such as Facebook and mobile applications that work together.
Using this philosophy, Empyrean 2D aims to create an iPad game that, in the future would be extensible to other tablets. This game would integrate closely with EA2D’s upcoming title Dragon Age Legends and would create a connected experience between both games that enhance the player’s experience across both platforms. The goal is to deliver a fully functional and connected game that is ready for release to the general public.

For more detail for the project and our implementation, please visit our website at